Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson vedonlyönti kertoimet ottelun voitolle:

Ottelussa nähdään mielenkiintoinen kontrasti nuoruuden ja kokemuksen välillä. Jake Paulin nopeus ja nuoruus voivat antaa hänelle edun kestävyyden ja liikkuvuuden suhteen, kun taas Mike Tysonin vuosikymmenten kokemus ja luonnollinen lahjakkuus voivat kompensoida iän mukanaan tuomat rajoitukset.

Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson kertoimet ovat jo esillä osalla vedonlyöntisivustoista. Kertoimista voi aina päätellä jonkin verran ja tämän ottelun kertoimet paljastavat .

"We knew there would be tremendous interest in the fight, as the betting suggested it was a generational matchup in customer demographics," Mucklow said. "Those old enough to remember a prime Mike Tyson got to live the nostalgia one last time, while those not old enough to know Iron Mike were firmly on the Jake Paul side of the counter."

Who Won the Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul Fight on Netflix?

“The Jake Paul-Mike Tyson fight is on track to be the most bet boxing match in BetMGM history. We are starting to see action on Paul but Tyson is still popular with bettors. The worst result would be a first-round knockout by Iron Mike.” BetMGM Senior Trader Alex Rella said in an email release to Canada Sports Betting on Friday afternoon.

Mike Tysonin ja Jake Paulin oli tarkoitus otella alun perin 20. heinäkuuta, mutta 58-vuotiasta Tysonia vaivasi alkukesästä vatsahaava, jonka takia ottelua siirrettiin.

"We expect the Jake Paul-Mike Tyson fight to be the most bet on boxing match in BetMGM history," senior trader Alex Rella said.

Kuten alapuolen taulukosta huomaamme, kertoimien valossa Jake Paul lähtee otteluun suhteellisen suurena ennakkosuosikkina ja varsinkin iän puolesta Paulilla on otteluun huomattavasti paremmat lähtökohdat. Mutta kuten jo aiemmin todettua, nähtäväksi jää millaiseen iskuun Tyson on vanhan moukarinsa saanut ja miten Paul legendan iskuja kestää. Kumman kelkkaan sinä hyppäät? Kommentoi oma heppasi viikonlopulle alas kommenttiosioon!

Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul Tale of the Tape: Who Has the Edge?

Entinen raskaansarjan maailmanmestari Mike Tyson, 58, ottelee marraskuussa maailman tunnetuimpiin lukeutuvaa ”tubettajaa” Jake Paulia, 27, vastaan.

When is the Mike Tyson vs Jake Paul Heavyweight Boxing Match?

"[Mike Tyson] is older now... I pray that he comes out healthy. I think Jake Paul [wins] because of youth. That's the only thing," he said while on an episode of the Jonathan Ross Show.

Mike Tyson läimäisi Jake Paulia – kohuottelun punnituksessa kuohui

Jake Paul and Mike Tyson's made-for-Netflix fight on Friday night has oddsmakers anticipating record wagering for a boxing match.

Ranking the Top 5 Prop Bets for Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson

"We knew there would be tremendous interest in the fight, as the betting suggested it was a generational matchup in customer demographics," Mucklow said. "Those old enough to remember a prime Mike Tyson got to live the nostalgia one last time, while those not old enough to know Iron Mike were firmly on the Jake Paul side of the counter."DraftKings sports operations director Johnny Avello said the fight also was its most-bet boxing match."The bettors were yearning for Tyson to return to the ring even at 58 years old, and wanted to be a part of this moment with one of the icons of the sport," Avello said. "We'll see who Jake Paul fights next, but his matches have proven to create immense buzz and unprecedented action on our platforms."

Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson (heavyweight)

Jake Paul and Mike Tyson's made-for-Netflix fight on Friday night has oddsmakers anticipating record wagering for a boxing match.


"We knew there would be tremendous interest in the fight, as the betting suggested it was a generational matchup in customer demographics," Mucklow said. "Those old enough to remember a prime Mike Tyson got to live the nostalgia one last time, while those not old enough to know Iron Mike were firmly on the Jake Paul side of the counter."

Sportsbooks were content with Jake Paul’s victory over Mike Tyson.

FILE PHOTO: Boxer Jake Paul attends a news conference, ahead of a sanctioned professional fight versus Mike Tyson which is set to take place at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas on July 20, in New York City, U.S., May 13, 2024. REUTERS/David 'Dee' Delgado/File Photo

Bonuskoodien Tyson vs Jake Paul vedonlyönti:

Esimerkiksi Pinnaclella Jake Paulin voittokerroin on 1.31, kun taas Mike Tysonilla isompi, 3.51. Niinpä Tysonin voitto toisi vedonlyöjälle suuremman voittosumman, jos mietitään vedon asettamista jommallekummalla samalla summalla. Jos päätät veikata juuri siellä, nappaa ja nauti veikkaamisesta bonuksella.

Jake Paul vs Mike Tyson Kertoimet, Ota Iso 50.00 Tyson Kerroin

Jake Paul's unanimous victory over former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson might have been disappointing from a competitive standpoint, but it drew record betting.