Raaputetaan Veikkauksen 100 v raha-arpa
WINNIPEG, Manitoba, September 25, 2017 /CNW/ – Pollard Banknote Limited (TSX: PBL) (“Pollard Banknote”) congratulates Veikkaus (the National Lottery of Finland) on the success of its first ever €20 instant ticket—100V RAHA-ARPA, celebrating Finland’s 100 years of independence and featuring the shimmer and shine of Pollard Banknote’s patented Spectrum Scratch FX™.
Launched in November 2016, with top prizes of €1,000,000, weekly second chance draws, and nine commemorative scenes offered throughout the year, the 100 year anniversary ticket has quickly achieved remarkable success, with 10-week average sales tracking 160% higher than the Lottery’s average €10 instant games. This ticket series earned Pollard Banknote the 2017 Printing Industries of America’s Premier Print Awards Competition Certificate of Merit for Flexographic Printing—a competition that recognizes the highest quality printed pieces in various categories from around the world.
The game was printed with nine unique images, with each ticket paying tribute to a significant event in Finland’s heritage. One design features Teemu Selänne, nicknamed “The Finnish Flash”—former professional ice hockey player, who was named one of the “100 Greatest NHL Players” in history during the 2017 All-Star Weekend in Los Angeles. Another one of the designs features Finnish born snowboarder Enni Rukajärvi, who took home gold in in the Snowboard Slopestyle event at the 2011 Winter X Games XV in Aspen, Colorado and silver in Slopestyle at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Rounding out the athletic scenes is a design featuring Hannes Kolehmainen, a Finnish four-time Olympic Gold medalist and a world record holder in middle- and long-distance running, who won three gold medals in the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm. Another set of designs commemorates the Finnish film Unknown Soldiers (1955)—set against the events of the Finnish Continuation War, the film follows a machine gun troop’s journey into the Soviet Union.
“Veikkaus is celebrating Finland’s 100 years of independence with our first €20 instant ticket,” said Riitta Mesilaakso-Lehtola, Product Manager. “This special game has met with tremendous acceptance and success from Veikkaus’ player base. The ticket design had to be exceptional and we knew that we could count on Pollard Banknote to deliver. Pollard Banknote has always provided innovative products and services that offer additional entertainment value for our player base and responsibly grow revenues for the benefit of Finnish society in its entirety.”
Veikkaus operates lotto games, pools, betting games, instant games and other draw games, slot machines and toto games producing over €1 billion of lottery revenue for Finnish society each year. Veikkaus contributes its total proceeds to the State, which distributes them further to Finnish arts, sports, science, youth work, health and welfare organisations as well as equestrian sports and horse breeding. In total the Lottery has nearly 4,000 beneficiaries.
“On behalf of Pollard Banknote, we would like to thank Veikkaus for including us in their country’s centenary celebration and for their years of hard work and dedication in support of benefitting Finland—culminating in the launch of Finland’s 100 Year Anniversary ticket,” said Michelle Annandale, Director, Sales & Marketing, Pollard Banknote. “The Lottery’s innovative spirit and commitment to offering high quality, entertaining products play a significant role in its enduring success. We look forward to working with the Lottery to continue to bring some of the industry’s most unique and innovative products to the Finnish market.”
Pollard Banknote’s €20 Million Calendar ticket printed for Loterie Nationale de Belgique received the “They Said It Couldn’t Be Done” Best of Category award. This game marked the first time a ticket was printed with Pollard Banknote’s patented Scratch FX® and Scratch Tab™ innovations in combination, all on an oversize 8” x 11” ticket. This combination of industry-leading innovations demonstrates Pollard Banknote’s innovative spirit, which allows the company to offer its lottery customers continued opportunities to stand out in the marketplace.
In addition to doubling up on innovations, Million Calendar doubled up on awards, receiving a Certificate of Merit for “Special Innovation Awards—Other”. Two other Pollard Banknote tickets also received Certificate of Merit awards. Western Canada Lottery Corporation’s $5 Candy Cane Cash Times 10 ticket received a Certificate of Merit in the “Specialty Inks or Coatings, Fragrances, or ‘Invisible’ Printing Inks” category for its use of peppermint scented ink combined with the sheen of Pollard Banknote’s patented Scratch FX®.
The other Pollard Banknote product recognized with a Certificate of Merit was Veikkaus’s (The National Lottery of Finland) 100V Raha-arpa, celebrating Finland’s hundred years of independence, which received the award in the “Flexographic Printing” category. The ticket’s highly complex flexographic design featured nine unique images depicting Finland’s past and present, helping the Lottery usher in a successful €20 ticket launch. “This special game has met with tremendous acceptance and success from Veikkaus’ player base,” said Riitta Mesilaakso-Lehtola, Product Manager for Veikkaus. “The ticket design had to be exceptional and we knew that we could count on Pollard Banknote to deliver.”
Flexographic printing is a widely used process not just for lottery products, but throughout the print industry, and for Pollard Banknote to be recognized among the multitudes of other printers recognizes the company’s ability to produce world-class, high-quality products while managing the complexities required for lottery ticket production.
“Pollard Banknote is excited to be recognized for several of our latest innovative tickets,” said Murielle Fontaine, Director, Game Management & Design. “Our company has had a reputation for being a leader in the lottery market for decades. Now our products are shining across the greater print industry thanks to the PIA awards, which have honoured us with a Best of Category award, as well as recognized us for our capabilities among thousands of flexographic printers producing products for numerous industries.”
Tuntemattoman sotilaan kuvituksen alta paljastui yksi Veikkauksen 100v-arvan kolmesta miljoonan euron päävoitosta. Arpa oli ostettu Tampereen Kalevan Prismasta.
Raaputetaan Veikkauksen Ässäarpa
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ARPAVOITTO Veikkaus kertoo, että Suomen juhlavuotta juhlistavasta 100v-arvasta löytyi syyskuussa miljoonan euron päävoitto. Voittaja oli nuori tamperelaismies, joka osti erilaisista kuvitusvaihtoehdoista Tuntemattoman sotilaan kohtauksella varustetun arvan.
Pirkanmaalla raaputettiin yhteensä viisi yli 20 000 euron arpavoittoa.Kolmannella sijalla oli Varsinais-Suomi 920 000 euron voittosummalla (neljä suurvoittoa) ja neljäntenä Pohjois-Savo 820 000 euron voittosummalla (viisi suurvoittoa).Tampereella voitetun 1 000 000 euron voiton jälkeen seuraavaksi isoimmat arpavoittosummat – jokainen 500 000 euroa – raaputettiin Eurojackpot-voitostaan maailmankartalle nousseella Loimaalla, samaisesta voitto-Prismasta ostetulla Casino-arvalla sekä Kauhavan R-kioskilla, Toijalan torin R-kioskilla Akaalla, Porin Pick&pay-R-kioskilla, Kiuruveden torin R-kioskilla ja Kemissä Karihaaran kioskilla.Viime vuonna suosituimmat raaputusarvat olivat Ässä, Casino, Onnensanat, Massi ja Euro.Uusi raaputusarpa lomanodotukseen: LomakampaVeikkauksen uusi Lomakampa-raaputusarpa on kiva tapa laskea päiviä mihin tahansa hauskaan tapahtumaan: matkallelähtöön, armeijasta pääsemiseen tai vaikkapa lapsenlapsen saapumiseen.Uutuusarvan idea on lainattu varusmiehille tutusta aamukammasta, ja onpa sillä yhteneväisyyksiä myös Joulukalenteri-arvan kanssa.