Katselen Fightpassilla parin päivän viiveellä UFC illat.
“No MMA promotion attracts a bigger audience than UFC, in the Nordic region or worldwide. Extending our long-term partnership with UFC reflects our commitment to offering the most relevant sports to our viewers, and to supporting MMA’s ongoing growth. We look forward to bringing spectacular fight action to even more fans over the coming years on Viaplay as part of our unique live sports portfolio,” said Peter Nørrelund, EVP and Chief Sports & Business Development Officer at Viaplay Group.
David Shaw, executive VP of international and content at UFC, added: “We have had a long partnership with Viaplay and we really couldn’t ask for a better counterpart to help grow our brand in the Nordics. Their passion and dedication to UFC has been instrumental to our business, and we look forward to continuing to build stars and deliver the best MMA events in the world to our fans in the Nordics.”
David Shaw, UFC Executive Vice President of International and Content, added: “We have had a long partnership with Viaplay and we really couldn’t ask for a better counterpart to help grow our brand in the Nordics. Their passion and dedication to UFC has been instrumental to our business, and we look forward to continuing to build stars and deliver the best MMA events in the world to our fans in the Nordics.”
Viaplay Group uusii UFC-oikeudet ..
Peter Nørrelund, Viaplay Group EVP and Chief Sports & Business Development Officer, commented: “No MMA promotion attracts a bigger audience than UFC, in the Nordic region or worldwide. Extending our long-term partnership with UFC reflects our commitment to offering the most relevant sports to our viewers, and to supporting MMA’s ongoing growth. We look forward to bringing spectacular fight action to even more fans over the coming years on Viaplay as part of our unique live sports portfolio.”
David Shaw, Executive Vice President of International and Content at UFC, added: “We have had a long partnership with Viaplay and we really could not ask for a better counterpart to help grow our brand in the Nordics. Their passion and dedication to UFC has been instrumental to our business, and we look forward to continuing to build stars and deliver the best MMA events in the world to our fans in the Nordics.”
Peter Nørrelund, executive VP and chief sports and business development officer at Viaplay Group, said: “No MMA promotion attracts a bigger audience than UFC, in the Nordic region or worldwide. Extending our long-term partnership with UFC reflects our commitment to offering the most relevant sports to our viewers, and to supporting MMA’s ongoing growth. We look forward to bringing spectacular fight action to even more fans over the coming years on Viaplay as part of our unique live sports portfolio.”
David Shaw, UFC Executive Vice President of International and Content added: “We have had a long partnership with Viaplay and we really couldn’t ask for a better counterpart to help grow our brand in the Nordics. Their passion and dedication to UFC has been instrumental to our business, and we look forward to continuing to build stars and deliver the best MMA events in the world to our fans in the Nordics.”
Vapaaottelun UFC Viaplaylle – ottelut katsottavissa ilmaiseksi
Peter Nørrelund, Viaplay Group EVP and Chief Sports & Business Development Officer said: “No MMA promotion attracts a bigger audience than UFC, in the Nordic region or worldwide. Extending our long-term partnership with UFC reflects our commitment to offering the most relevant sports to our viewers, and to supporting MMA’s ongoing growth. We look forward to bringing spectacular fight action to even more fans over the coming years on Viaplay as part of our unique live sports portfolio.”
Viaplay ja UFC jatkavat yksinoikeudella
Viaplay on aiemminkin tehnyt täysin vastaavia maneereita McGregorin astellessa häkiin. Joka ikinen kerta päätös on herättänyt massiivista vastustusta kamppailufanien keskuudessa ja itse asiassa ensimmäisellä kerralla vastustus johti siihen, että PPV-kokeilu peruttiin. Syynä tähän lienee ollut valtava palauteryöppy sosiaalisen median kanavissa sekä etenkin kuukausitilauksien irtisanomiset.
Viaplay in Nordic rights extension with UFC
22. huhtikuuta myyntiin tuleva Viaplay Fighting tarjoaa vuodessa yli 150 live tapahtumaa sekä yli 500 tuntia otteluita suorina lähetyksinä. Viaplay Fightingin premium sisältö koostuu mm. UFC, Nordic Fight Night, Sauerland Event, Premier Boxing Champions, Matchroom ja IMG -otteluista sekä muista huippuluokan kamppailulajitapahtumista ympäri maailman. Viaplay Urheilu ja Viaplay Total -paketin asiakkaat saavat Viaplay Fighting -paketin käyttöönsä veloituksetta vuoden loppuun asti.
Viaplay in Nordic rights extension with UFC
Peter Nørrelund, Viaplay Groupin EVP ja Chief Sports & Business Development Officer: "Mikään vapaaottelujärjestö ei houkuttele suurempaa yleisöä kuin UFC, Pohjoismaissa tai maailmanlaajuisesti. Pitkäaikaisen kumppanuutemme laajentaminen UFC:n kanssa kuvastaa sitoutumistamme tarjota katsojillemme tärkeimpiä urheilulajeja ja tukea vapaaottelun jatkuvaa kasvua. Odotamme innolla, että pääsemme näyttämään kamppailulajeja yhä useammille faneille tulevina vuosina Viaplayssa osana ainutlaatuista live-urheiluvalikoimaamme."
Viaplay Group Renews UFC Rights in Nordics in a Multi-Year Deal
UFC jatkuu jälleen tulevana viikonloppuna ja vuorossa on UFC tapahtuma numero 277. Tarjolla varsin mainioita matseja ja ottelutapahtumaa markkinoidaan UFC 277 Peña – Nunes 2 ottelulla. American Airlines Center Dallasissa on paikka jossa tämä tapahtuma toteutetaan ja kellonajaksi on Viaplayn ohjelmatiedoissa annettu 04:00 – 09:30, lauantain ja sunnuntain vastaisena yönä. Jos et siis ole paikan päälle sattumassa, voit seurata tapahtumaa kuukausimaksullisen ja Vsportin kanavien kautta!
Viaplay renews UFC rights in Nordics
David Shaw, UFC Executive Vice President of International and Content: "Meillä on ollut pitkä kumppanuus Viaplayn kanssa, emmekä todellakaan voisi pyytää parempaa vastinetta brändimme kasvattamiselle Pohjoismaissa. Heidän intohimonsa ja omistautumisensa UFC:tä kohtaan on ollut avainasemassa liiketoiminnassamme, ja odotamme innolla tähtien rakentamista ja maailman parhaiden vapaaottelutapahtumien järjestämistä faneillemme Pohjoismaissa."
Viaplay renews UFC rights in Nordics ..
Viaplay’s next UFC event will be “UFC Fight Night: Ankalaev vs. Walker 2” on January 13, followed by the year’s first numbered event, “UFC 297: Strickland vs. Du Plessis,” on January 20 from Toronto’s Scotiabank Arena, headlined by a middleweight title bout between Sean Strickland and Dricus du Plessis, and Raquel Pennington vs. Mayra Bueno Silva for the women’s bantamweight crown.