Case Veikkaus | ZetaDisplay Finland
is the Finnish national betting agency. It is owned by the Finnish state, and has an exclusive betting license in Finland. Veikkaus games are estimated to generate nearly one billion euros a year. The revenue is used for the benefit of Finnish society. Veikkaus’ beneficiaries are active in the fields of culture, sports, science, youth work, social welfare and health, and the equine industry.
Suspicious business activity means a transaction that deviates from the customer's usual activity or is atypical for the activity. Therefore, what is atypical depends on the customer or the situation. If you detect an unusual transaction, find out the reason for the transaction. If the transaction appears suspicious even after the clarification received, or if you do not receive any clarification, report the incident immediately to the Money Laundering Clearing House of Finland. As an agent, you can also submit a report through Veikkaus Oy.
Finland is saying goodbye to the monopoly of Veikkaus and wants to create an open playing field. This will really create a new dynamic: players will have more options and a more diverse market will emerge. The government expects that this will not only improve the player experience, but that the will grow and innovate as a result.
Finlands Gambling Operator Veikkaus Ready to Give Up Monopoly
About Veikkaus:
Veikkaus was founded in 2017, via a merger of the former three Finnish gambling operators Fintoto, Finland’s Slot Machine Association RAY and the former Veikkaus. With ca. 1,440 employees and over a hundred different locations in Finland, the Veikkaus’ games are sold at numerous points of sales, including online and mobile apps. Veikkaus is entirely owned by the Finnish State and holds the exclusive right to operate gambling games in mainland Finland. Veikkaus’ proceeds are used for the common good in its entirety. The allocation of the proceeds is decided by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.
Veikkaus currently has about half of the market share for online gambling in Finland. The other half is controlled by companies that are not allowed to advertise in Finland.
The restructuring comes as Veikkaus is about to enter a new operations phase. After finally admitting this past June that the monopoly is a in the gaming industry, Finland is preparing to open up the market.
In accordance with changes being considered by Finland’s government, part of the country’s gambling market will open at the beginning of 2026. This will eliminate Veikkaus’s monopoly and considerably change its role in the market.
Merger of Veikkaus, RAY and Fintoto | Midagon Finland
Veikkaus Oy is the Finnish national betting agency. It is owned by the Finnish state, and has an exclusive betting license in Finland.
COVID-19: Finlands Veikkaus closes slots until mid-December
Veikkaus has been investing heavily in esports ever since 2014. Esports have gained increasing interest in Finland and around the world over the past few years. The same trend is also reflected on Veikkaus. Betting on esports has increased significantly, just like the customer numbers.
Playtech launches Live Casino with Veikkaus in Finland
Veikkaus has had various game and brand related trademarks for a long time, and their brand value is clearly recognized. With internationalization, more trademarks are also being sought outside Finland. Fennica Gaming began international B2B operations in 2022 when the current Lotteries Act came into effect. Since then, the market has been opened in America and several European countries.
Finland proposes end to Veikkaus gambling monopoly
Asiassa oli ratkaistavana, oliko Poliisihallitus voinut arpajaislain 62 a §:n 1 momentin 2 kohdan nojalla kieltää Eurosportia esittämästä Ranskasta lähetetyllä ja Suomeen suunnatulla Eurosport 1 (Finland) -televisiokanavalla muita kuin Veikkaus Oy:n toimeenpanemia rahapelejä koskevia mainoksia. Erityisesti korkeimman hallinto-oikeuden arvioitavana oli, seuraako AV- ja AVMS-direktiivistä, ettei sen jäsenvaltion, jossa televisiolähetys vastaanotetaan, viranomainen voi kyseisen kaltaisissa tilanteissa kieltää rahapelien mainontaa kansallisen lainsäädännön nojalla.
Veikkaus keeps lottery rights as Finland begins 2027 reforms
Finland’s Veikkaus is to enter contract negotiations with up to 620 members of staff, warning this could result in more redundancies, as part of its forward planning for the country’s transformation into a multi-licence market.
Veikkaus keeps lottery rights as Finland begins 2027 reforms ..
The market is very likely to become competitive in Finland as well. The current government program includes a change regarding gambling, which will bring gambling under the same regulation and partially open the market to competition. This will change Veikkaus's long-held monopoly position.
when Veikkaus was granted the monopoly of all gambling in Finland
"In Finland we have a monopoly system, but if you look at digital gaming, Veikkaus only has half of the market share. One might wonder if we really have a monopoly system anymore," Nummikoski said.
Veikkaus Mandatory Identification Program | Midagon Finland
Veikkaus is a Finnish betting office, fully owned by the government and has an exclusive legal betting license on lotteries and sports betting in Finland. Veikkaus is the biggest e-commerce business in Finland with sales over 900 million euros
Playtech and Veikkaus start strategic partnership in Finland
Finland's digital gambling market was valued at around 520 million euros during the first half of this year, according to the company's interim report, of which about half — 260 million euros — went to Veikkaus and the rest to foreign operators.